The COVID-19 breakout has lead to a significant limitations in mobility of people across the world. This is primary concern for People with Parkinson disease and Parkinsonism disorders. In these disorders people need to do workouts on daily basis to have a good quality of life. Many people require supervised care and some require a group to motivate the exercise schedules. This has been significantly hindered by the current #pandemic outbreak and #Lockdown. To over come this modern day problem, people have adapted and improvised to bridge the current issues. In this context “Hirshikesh’s Center for Contemporary Dance” in Pune, has been successfully working on online dance programs for Parkinson’s Disease and Parkinsonism Disorder patients. The dance program for Parkinson’s disease facilitators integrate movement from Indian classical and modern dance, and choreographic repertory. This initiative has been helping many Parkinson’s Disease people from across India.

Difficulties with gait and balance are common among individuals with Parkinson disease (PD), contributing to an increased incidence of falls. Gait changes include slowness of walking with short, shuffling steps and a flexed posture, and may also include festination and/or freezing of gait. Aspects of walking that appear to be particularly impaired include dual tasking, turning and walking backward

Given the potential benefits of exercise for those with PD, recommendations have been made regarding key components of an exercise program designed for those with PD. The recommendations include four key areas: 1) cueing strategies to improve gait, 2) cognitive movement strategies to improve transfers, 3) exercises to improve balance, and 4) training of joint mobility and muscle power to improve physical capacity. Emerging evidence also suggests that aerobic training, such as walking on a treadmill, may result in improved quality of life, reduced disease severity as reflected by lowering of UPDRS-III scores, and improved aerobic capacity

Dance as a group-based treatment for Parkinson’s disease (PD) incorporates physical exercise, cognitive tasks, sensory experience (music), emotional expression, and social interaction. As such a multidimensional activity, dance has the potential to address many of the challenges faced by patients. Indeed, in addition to significant motor and cognitive impairment, patients are troubled by mood changes and social isolation. Therefore, dance may highly impact the quality of life in patients with PD.